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​陳宜欣 Yi-Shin Chen

教授 | 國立清華大學資訊工程學系
Professor at the Department of Computer Science, College of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Tsing Hua University



Professor Yi-Shin Chen is a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). She serves as the Chairman of the International Bachelor’s Program (IBP) at NTHU and the Executive Director of the Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (TAAI). Additionally, she is the Project Leader of the Taiwan Artificial Intelligence College Alliance (TAICA) program, supported by the Ministry of Education.

Professor Chen earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Southern California in 2002 and has since dedicated herself to academic research and education. Her research interests include web intelligence, social networks, and natural language processing. Passionate about fostering interdisciplinary AI talent and global education, she bridges academia and practice to cultivate professionals with technical expertise and a global perspective, advancing both Taiwan and the international AI community.


Gender Perspectives in Data: Exploring Women’s Value in AI Education​




With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, the role of women in AI education has drawn increasing attention. This talk, based on data from the Artificial Intelligence Talent Cultivation Project supported by the Ministry of Education (MOE), examines the trends and challenges of women’s participation in AI courses, uncovering valuable insights hidden within the data. It highlights how women bring unique perspectives to influence and enhance learning environments through AI technologies. Furthermore, it explores how women contribute to fostering more diverse and inclusive educational settings, shaping the future of education in meaningful ways.



True to ourselves, becoming who we truly are!


王家蓁 Chia C. Wang

教授 | 國立中山大學 化學系
主任 | 氣膠科學研究中心
Professor, Department of Chemistry,
Director, Aerosol Science Research Center,
National Sun Yat-sen University


美國加州大學柏克萊分校   博士
國立台灣大學化學研究所   碩士


加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學 博士後研究員

美國勞倫斯柏克萊國家實驗室 博士後研究員​


Ph. D.

University of California, Berkeley, USA


National Taiwan University


Postdoc  University of British Columbia, Canada

Postdoc   Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

結合SDG x IDG  共創公平、多元、包容之IDEAL永續未來

Co-creating an sustainable IDEAL future with inclusive, diversity and equity by integrating SDGs and IDGs​​


​為因應地球面臨的各種嚴峻挑戰,聯合國提出17項永續發展目標 (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) 。為加速SDGs的實現,全球近年開始倡議重視「內在發展目標」(Inner Development Goals, IDGs)的浪潮,呼籲人們及群體重新審視內在價值觀與核心特質。我將分享如何透過結合SDGs及IDGs 之具體實踐以促進IDEAL的永續未來。IDEAL在此分別代表包容(Inclusion)、多元 (Diversity)、公平(Equity)、感恩(Appreciation)及愛(Love),這些面向也是建構永續地球不可或缺的元素。我也將分享女科技人在此重要變革中為何扮演關鍵角色。​

To confront various ecological challenges currently ongoing on Earth, the United Nations (UNs) have proposed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To facilitate the attainment of SDGs, the global society has set forth an initiative to promote the Inner Development Goals (IDGs), emphasizing the importance and necessity to re-examine the inner traits and core values at the individual and collective level that are crucial for establishing the sustainable future Earth. In this speech, I will share how we may integrate SDGs and IDGs to expedite an IDEAL sustainable future. Here, “IDEAL” stands for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Appreciation and Love, which are essential and indispensable components to construct a sustainable Earth. I will also share why women in science and technology play key roles in this transformative movement.​

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陳佩君 Trista Chen

技術長 | 微軟臺灣人工智慧研發中心
Director, AI Research Center at Microsoft

Trista, an AI scientist and tech executive, is currently the Director, AI Research Center at Microsoft. Her research focuses on computer vision, multimodal foundation models, and agentic AI. he impactful technologies Trista has developed at Microsoft are currently used by millions of users worldwide. Trista’s contributions extend beyond code and algorithms; her work has been published in over 30 top-tier journals and conference papers, and she holds or has filed 110 patents. Her research is internationally recognized, with notable achievements such as publishing in a Nature Portfolio journal, receiving the 2023 CVPR workshop best paper award, and winning the world championship in the USAID Intelligent Forecasting Competition, where her innovations advanced healthcare in the Ivory Coast.

Before joining Microsoft, Trista held leadership positions at Inventec, Intel, Nvidia, and two startups. As the Chief AI Officer at Inventec, Trista spearheaded the development of one of Taiwan FDA’s first batch of novel AI Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), based on her original medical research. Additionally, Trista led Inventec in creating the industry’s pioneering computer vision laptop defect detection system and logistics solution, leveraging the technology that won the USAID world championship. During her tenure at Intel, Trista facilitated the development of OpenCV, the world’s most widely adopted computer vision software. At Nvidia, Trista co-architected the company’s inaugural video processor. Trista holds a Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University, as well as M.S. and B.S. degrees from National Tsing-Hua University.

Sustainable AI: Harnessing the Power of Diversity and Inclusion

In today’s interconnected world, sustainability now defines resilient, long-term innovation that fuels our digital future—extending far beyond traditional environmental care. At its core, sustainable AI is built on the integration of diversity, inclusion, and trustworthiness, all anchored in human values. Recent studies reveal that when diverse practices and inclusive perspectives—especially those of women—inform human-centric frameworks, AI systems become more adaptive, forward-thinking, and fundamentally trustworthy.

At Microsoft, we have seen that combining sustainable practices with strategic diversity and inclusion, supported by trusted methodologies, not only sparks creative breakthroughs but also builds confidence at every stage of AI development. Initiatives like Microsoft AI for Good exemplify our commitment to ethical, transparent, and responsible AI, demonstrating that embedding trust into our processes yields innovations that are robust, impactful, and truly empowering—aligning with our mission to empower every person on the planet.

Join us as we explore this innovative model where sustainability, diversity, inclusion, and trust converge to chart a course for a future powered by sustainable AI.


周美吟 Mei-Yin Chou

副院長 | 中央研究院
Academia Sinica /Vice President


Dr. Mei-Yin Chou works in the field of theoretical condensed matter physics focusing on the electronic properties of novel materials of fundamental and technological interest. Dr. Chou received her Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in 1986. She started her academic career as a faculty member at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1989 and served as Chair of the School of Physics in 2005-2010. She was elected to serve as Chair in the Division of Computational Physics of the American Physical Society (APS) in 2008. She returned to Taiwan to become the Director and a Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences at Academia Sinica in January 2011 and became Vice President in 2016. She was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2002, Academician of Academia Sinica in 2014, and Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in 2019.


Science and Technology for Clean Energy



There are scientific and technological challenges for Taiwan to reach Net Zero by 2050. Academia Sinica announced its Strategic Recommendations for Science and Technology Actions towards Net Zero Emission in Taiwan in November, 2022. Centered on promoting new technologies, the policy recommendations aim to drive energy and industrial transition through technology implementation in order to reach Net Zero. In this talk, I will discuss the technology options for decarbonizing electricity generation that have been categorized as critically urgent and report the current progress.



Find the right path and bring out the best of you.


吳香妮 Sunny Wu 

協理 | 國泰金控科技應用治理部
Senior VP, Technology Governance Dept, Cathay Financial Holdings


With over 20 years of experience in the financial industry. My experience has encompassed marketing and planning for financial products, customer relationship management, and applications of data and AI. I lead the Governance Department for fintech applications at Cathay Financial Holdings. Additionally, I oversee three teams in the insurance sector: Data and AI, Digital Development, and the Transformation Office.


AI Empowering Finance: Redefining the Innovative Finance Landscape



AI plays a critical role in the fast-paced financial industry, driving its rapid development. We will share with you how we implement advanced AI technology in a safe and accurate way to transform the financial work model, while continuously cultivating top AI talent within our group, expanding various financial application scenarios, and building a smarter, more convenient, and sustainable financial ecosystem.​​



Combining rationality with a thoughtful mindset is the unique strength of female technologists.


朱靜美 Vivian Ching-Mei CHU

教授 | 臺大戲劇學系
成員 | 臺大人工智慧與機器人研究中心之「前瞻機器人組」&「認知與行為科學組」
Professor, Department of Drama and Theatre, National Taiwan University
Member, Advanced Robotics Group and Cognitive and Behavioral Science Group, Center for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics, National Taiwan University​

美國Bowling Green State Univ. 戲劇博士,主修導演(Ph. D. in Directing)、

紐約市立大學戲劇碩士,主修表演(MFA in Acting)。


Ph.D. in Theatre Directing, Bowling Green State University, USA

MFA in Acting, The City University of New York, USA

Professor Vivian Ching-Mei CHU has been teaching at the Department of Drama and Theatre at National Taiwan University for nearly 30 years. In addition to her current position, she is also a director of the Society of Taiwan Women in Science and Technology, as well as the Taiwan Shakespeare Association.

She has been a Visiting Scholar at the University of  Chicago and University College London; Visiting Professor at the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, and Royal Academy of Dramatic Art; Exchange Professor at the Peking University; Guest Professor at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


The Promising Future of Emotional AI: An Artificial Intelligence That Reads, Sees, and Listens to You




Fei-Fei Li, former head of Google AI China Center, once remarked, “Emotion and sentiment are the next spring for artificial intelligence.”

This speech will focus on two pivotal themes: AI's ability to recognize human emotions and the development of emotionally responsive chatbots. Looking ahead, as AI gains the capacity to discern human emotions, it could become an invaluable assistant to humanity—not only fostering deeper mutual understanding but also providing appropriate emotional interactions. In doing so, it may evolve into an empathetic AI companion, capable of offering solace, companionship, and mindfulness to the human spirit.



We look forward to welcoming women from diverse backgrounds to thrive together in the field of scientific research!


楊雅惠 Yang Ya-hui

董事總經理 | 典通股份有限公司
總經理 | 浚鴻數據開碼股份有限公司
Managing Director, DSIGroup Co., Ltd.
General Manager, DKABio Co., Ltd |

DSIGroup(典通)、DKABio(浚鴻數據)兩家數據公司的創辦人,於2020年獲投資成為佳世達(Qisda)大艦隊的一員。個人擁有25年、超過60個產業的數據分析經驗。目前為臺灣人工智慧應用發展協會理事、Women in AI臺灣發起人、中華R軟體發展暨應用協會理事長。

The founder of two data companies, DSIGroup and DKABio. The two companies received investment in 2020 and became members of the Qisda fleet. Yang has 25 years of data analysis experience in more than 60 industries. she is also the director of Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Application Development Association, the founder of Women in AI Taiwan, and the chairman of China R Software Development and Application Association.


Personalized health digital twin: the core driving force for ensuring and improving human health and well-being



Understanding personal health risks is a key driver for precision health management. This presentation will introduce how to use digital twin technology to simulate a person’s health ecosystem to help people dynamically understand their own health risks and changes. It also explains how real-time health risk information can assist in personalized and precise health risk management, thereby ensuring and improving people’s health and well-being, and how it can help companies achieve ESG/CSR goals of improving the health and well-being of their employees.​​



Through the Women Tech Society, we aim to facilitate more communication and cooperation among women technologists.



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The Society of Taiwan Women in
Science and Technology

30 Lane 321, Yangguang Street, Neihu District, Taipei City 11491

Taiwan ROC


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